Upper Cervical Care
in Cape May Court House

At Summit Chiropractic & Wellness Center, we focus on upper cervical care delivered through the Orthospinology Procedure. Orthospinology is a type of upper cervical chiropractic technique that uses calculated vectors based on 3D imaging to deliver a very specific, gentle, instrument-guided adjustment to the top bone in your neck (atlas). The goal of an Orthospinology adjustment is to align the head and neck in an orthogonal position, while simultaneously re-establishing proper brain and nervous system function.

The Importance of Upper Cervical Alignment

Every nerve in your body either originates from or passes through the brainstem – a vital area located near the base of the skull. This region, crucial to neurological function, lacks vertebral discs, making it highly flexible but also more susceptible to misalignment (subluxation) and injury. Even minor misalignments in this sensitive area can lead to widespread neurological issues and postural imbalances throughout the body.

To visualize this, imagine holding a bowling ball close to your body versus extending your arm to hold it away from you. While the ball’s weight doesn’t change, the strain on your arm increases dramatically. Similarly, when the upper cervical spine shifts out of alignment, the head moves off-center, placing strain on the entire body.

This shift triggers postural reflexes that distort the alignment of the entire body, not just the upper cervical spine. The result is a chain reaction of imbalance and neurological stress, which can manifest as discomfort, reduced mobility, and a range of other symptoms. By addressing upper cervical misalignments, we help restore balance, reduce stress on the nervous system, and promote overall well-being.

Why We Remeasure

After the first adjustment, we immediately perform a new 3D scan and re-measure for verification. The purpose is to verify that we corrected what we were trying to fix. This allows us to see exactly how much changed during the adjustment, so we can tweak our settings a bit, if needed, moving forward.

Before Adjustment

After Adjustment


Orthospinology is a type of upper cervical chiropractic technique that uses calculated vectors based on 3D imaging to deliver a very specific, gentle, instrument-guided adjustment to the top bone in your neck (atlas). 

Activator Technique

In addition to Orthospinology, Dr. Billiris uses the Activator technique when needed to adjust misaligned spinal segments outside of the craniocervical junction. The Activator technique is a research based technique that uses a low force high velocity instrument to correct misaligned vertebrae.

Gentle Adjustments

Have you avoided going to a chiropractor out of concern that your spine would be “cracked”, “twisted” or “popped”?  If this is you, you will be pleased to know that all of the techniques utilized in our office are gentle and precise, requiring no twisting, cracking or popping of the spine.

Book an Appointment

At Summit Chiropractic & Wellness Center our goal is to meet the spoken and unspoken needs of our patients by providing personalized care and utilizing cutting edge evidence-based techniques and principles to achieve reliable, long-lasting results.