Are you suffering from Dizziness, Vertigo, Brain Fog, Anxiety & Fatigue?

No Twisting, Popping, or Cracking

     Have you avoided going to a chiropractor out of concern that your spine would be “cracked”, “twisted” or “popped”?  If this is you, you will be pleased to know that all of the techniques utilized in our office are gentle and precise, requiring no twisting, cracking or popping of the spine.

     At Summit Chiropractic & Wellness Center our goal is to meet the spoken and unspoken needs of our patients by providing personalized care and utilizing cutting edge evidence-based techniques and principles to achieve reliable, long-lasting results.  

A Modern Approach

Our office is equipped with some of the most advanced tools in chiropractic care. This equipment, combined with the advanced certifications held by Dr. Billiris, ensure our patients receive the most targeted and personalized care possible.

Conditions we can help with:

Using upper cervical care, we’ve helped patients with the following:

Providing Transparency

No one likes to get blindsided with a huge bill or an extended care plan. In our practice, we will explain things upfront and answer all your questions. We tell patients if what they’re experiencing is a chiropractic issue, and the likelihood of our approach helping. In addition, we allow the patient to make sure this is what they’re looking for.
At Summit Chiropractic and Wellness Center we do not accept insurance (with the exception of Medicare), but Dr. Billiris will lay out his proposed plan of care, the costs. Then, the choice to become a patient is yours. There will never be any sales tactics or pressure placed on you throughout the process.

Taking Our Time With Each Patient

If you’ve been to high-volume practices in the past where you felt like a recipient of assembly-line care, that’s not the case here. Dr. Billiris takes his time with each patient and wants to get to know them. You won’t feel rushed here, but instead cared for.


When Choosing a Chiroprator, Ask Yourself:

Can they properly test to identify my problem?
Can they visually show me where the problem is?
Can they properly test to identify my problem?
Can they correct it?
Can they prove it was corrected?

At Summit Chiropractic & Wellness Center, we take pride in answering “Yes!” to all these questions. Our patients are thrilled with the results. You can review our cases and successes on our testimonials page.

Frequently-Asked Questions

What can upper cervical chiropractic care do for me?

We will always start with a complimentary consultation so that we can learn about your condition and so you can learn about our unique style of Atlas Displacement Correction and how it can have a significant impact on your life and overall health.

Recognizing that there are only a handful of Chiropractors focusing on correcting ATLAS MISALIGNMENTS throughout the world and acknowledging that we are different, we believe that it is very important that you understand our approach and that we understand your condition so that you can make an educated decision whether or not to join us.

During our consultation we will go into detail about what will occur in Atlas Displacement Correction treatment plan, how we will implement upper cervical adjustments, in order to reestablish the connection between your brain and body, in route to improving nerve flow so that you can be healthier than you were when you walked in our door. We will explain how an Atlas Misalignment (if found) could be causing your condition and even how we will detect it during our Structural Correction Examination.

Lastly, we will create a customized Atlas Displacement Correction plan that will take you from where you are now to where you need to be so that you can improve your quality of life. We will also show you how you can PROTECT your Atlas Displacement for a lifetime with homecare recommendations and exercises designed for specifically for you.

We are well aware at Summit Chiropractic & Wellness Center that many Traditional Chiropractors adjust patients in such a way that it creates a cavitation (sound). This cavitation, while harmless, is often referred to by patients as a “crack”, or “pop”.

At Summit Chiropractic & Wellness Center you will never have your neck “cracked”, “twisted”, or “popped”. In order to ensure this we use specially designed chiropractic adjusting instruments that apply a very specific adjustment. Due to the specificity of the adjustment we are able to use much less force than traditional chiropractic techniques. As a result, most patients are happily surprised at how little the adjustment is felt.

Upon entering the office you will be given a detailed exam assessing five vital areas of health: the craniocervical junction, vestibular system, oculomotor system, proprioceptive system, and a patient’s nervous system. In addition you will have 3D imaging of your head and your neck taken. The exams and imaging will be quantified and presented to you. After your very first adjustment the same test and images will be done and compared to your initial results. It is at this point that we expect to see your health begin to improve! If the desired results are not achieved modifications will be made, until we see adequate positive changes in both your spinal structure and the function of your neurology. 

While we will never claim to speak on the behalf of other professions or chiropractors, we will do our best to explain your options as it relates to your care. Our goal is to teach you about your options so that you can make the best decision for YOU and YOUR health.

Not only will we explain our care plan, but we will explore how other chiropractors and other medical professionals could approach your unique case. To us it is very important that you are aware of all of your options so that when you make your decision to start care (with whoever it may be) that you can confidently count on us to be an objective health and wellness resource.

What can upper cervical chiropractic care do for me?

We will always start with a complimentary consultation so that we can learn about your condition and so you can learn about our unique style of Upper Cervical Correction and how it can have a significant impact on your life and overall health.

Recognizing that there are only a handful of Chiropractors focusing on correcting ATLAS MISALIGNMENTS throughout the world and acknowledging that we are different, we believe that it is very important that you understand our approach and that we understand your condition so that you can make an educated decision whether or not to join us.

During our consultation we will go into detail about what will occur in a Upper Cervical Correction treatment plan, how we will implement upper cervical adjustments, in order to reestablish the connection between your brain and body, in route to improving nerve flow so that you can be healthier than you were when you walked in our door. We will explain how an Atlas Misalignment (if found) could be causing your condition and even how we will detect it during our Structural Correction Examination.

Lastly, we will create a customized Upper Cervical Correction plan that will take you from where you are now to where you need to be so that you can improve your quality of life. We will also show you how you can PROTECT your Upper Cervical Corrections for a lifetime with homecare recommendations and exercises designed for specifically for you.

The first thing we want to address is that we will never schedule you for an examination before first having gone through one of our complimentary consultations. We do this as a courtesy to you so that we can learn about you and so that you can determine if we are the right solution for you. After a consultation, we will always be willing to go straight into an Atlas Displacement Complex Correction Examination if you are ready, or schedule an examination for a later date if you so desire. It is your choice!An Atlas Displacement Examination is a comprehensive exam that will take no less than 45 minutes to complete depending on the severity of your case.


What to expect from an ATLAS DISPLACEMENT CORRECTION EXAMINATION: If indicated for your case, a full set of Upper Cervical Radiographs with a complete Upper Cervical Analysis will be ordered. This includes:

Symmetrical Structural Analysis

Orthopedic and Neurological tests

Nerve interference test

Muscle Activity Test

Full Vestibular Examination

Neurological Eye Movement Evaluation

Gai Analysis

Craniocervical Junction Evaluation

Our ATLAS DISPLACEMENT CORRECTION EXAMINATION is designed not only to find Atlas misalignments, but also to show you how your spine compares to normal. We take the time to not only look at your structure from the outside with our Digital Photographic Structural Correction Assessment, but we also look from the inside with our Nerve interference, electromyography, and radiographs. You should walk out of our examination knowing what normal ranges look like and with a general idea of the severity of your case. After your examination we will schedule you for a conference where we will review the results of your exam, explain how we can help you and discuss how we will proceed if you decide to work with our office.

Perhaps there is no population where chiropractic is more important than in children. It’s important to remember, birth can be traumatic for not only the mother, but the baby as well. Getting a baby’s spine checked, and adjusted, as early as possible will enable the nervous system to continue to grow and develop appropriately.

Pediatric adjustments are light and gentle. Children don’t have near as much muscle stabilizing their frame, so it takes very little force to correct any sort of misalignment. It is important to keep in mind, that if there is an Atlas misalignment present in babies, toddlers, children or teenagers, it will inhibit their neuro-musckolo-skeltal development in a way that may have chronic side effects.

When pediatric patients come in for an examination Dr. Billiris will examine their muscular system, their skeletal system and check for milestone development in order to analyze their neurological development. In addition, to checking for an ATLAS DISPLACEMENT. It is vitally important to be analyzed for misalignments in the spine before skeletal maturity takes place, especially for an ATLAS DISPLACEMENT.

If you have further questions about Pediatric Chiropractic, feel free to ask Dr. Billiris and he would be glad to discuss with you the benefits of Chiropractic Care for your young children. In the meantime, visit and you can have access to some great research about Pediatric Chiropractic.

Board certification is the process by which a physician demonstrates a mastery of advanced knowledge and skill in a niche area of the medical field. Board certification is considered the highest level of accreditation within a given specialty. Board certification programs typically require 1-3 years of training. A Board certification program looks to provide its students with the most up-to-date training and advancements in a particular field of medicine. In addition, fellowships require on-going certification to ensure the highest standards possible.

Medical fellows are doctors seeking further training in a subspecialty, so they can become master practitioners in a niche area of the medical field. Fellowship programs typically require 1-3 years of postdoctoral training. A fellowship program looks to provide its students with the most up-to-date training and advancements in a particular field of medicine. In addition, fellowships require on-going certification to ensure the highest standards possible.

Board Certified Orthospinologist

Dr. Billiris is the head of the Orthospinology Curriculum Committee and Orthospinology instructors. Dr. Billiris actively teaches the Orthospinology Level 1, Level 2 and Advanced Orthospinology Instrument Adjusting seminars to doctors and students from around the country in addition to lecturing at various conferences. Orthospinology is a sub-specialty within the chiropractic profession, focusing on the alignment of the upper cervical spine. This approach uses an extremely precise 3 dimensional CBCT analysis to correct misalignments of the skull, first cervical vertebra (atlas) and second cervical vertebra (axis). These misalignments, also known as subluxations, can cause neurological dysfunction between the brainstem, spinal cord, muscles, and vital organs of the body.

Dr. Billiris enjoys educating other doctors and his patients on the principles of Orthospinology and Functional Neurology.


What Our Patients Are Saying